We bought a farm in Nova Scotia. Above, you can see the perimeter of the farm, the streams, some pasture & markings I've made. There is a 1700ft stream along the sw edge of our farm. This area has 20 acres of swamp. The farm is made up of rolling hills, 119 acres of mixed forest, 6 acres of pasture, 3 streams, a swamp, a bog, and a pond. As stewards of this land, it is our responsibility to support and preserve our ecosystems (of which we have several).
I have been studying regenerative agriculture with an English farmer in Sweden - Richard Perkins. He is a briliant teacher & incredible farmer. He teaches methods of farming that store carbon from the air, and, in turn, build topsoil. Our planet is desertifying and top soil is running off the land at rates that blow my mind. Agriculture has to change. Raising livestock is not the problem; it's how they are raised that hurts the planet. By moving the animals to fresh pasture daily, we will fertilize our land via nature, and allow the flora and fauna to express their natural physiologies.
The day we get to the farm, we will hit the ground running. The first thing we have to do is fence in a portion of the farm (2200 ft) with 6 ft tall, electrified fencing to keep our animals in and predators out. Once that's done, we will build mobile shelters for the pigs & sheep, so they can come home.
Kunekune pigs are small, silly, sweet, grassfed pigs. They are a rare breed from New Zealand, and we will be raising and breeding them for cuteness and for meat. They make amazing, red, marbled meat and have an incredible amount of fat on them. Also- Ferguson - our boar (below on the right). And just look at Olive (left)! She will be 6 months old by the time we meet her. Our sow (Lemonade - center pic) will be pregnant, so we expect piglets in August! One more to go, and she will be born in April. These 4 will be our breeders & won't be eaten until they are retired; ergo, they have names.

Our Gotland sheep should come around the same time. They are silly, curious, and docile. The are beautiful & can be used for fleece, pelts, and meat. They will also be our lawn mowers. We will start with 3 ewes & one ram.
Next, we have an icubator to set up, and will hatch eggs: Brese chickens, coturnix quail, and guinea fowl. We hope to get our laying hens (as day old chicks) around the same time. We have to build mobile coops, pens, and a brooder for the chicks. We will be breeding our own chicks from these 3 types of fowl. I hope to sell guinea to the local farmers, bresse and quail to restaurants (french delicacy), as well as their eggs for eating.
We hope to have a lot of things done by the fall. Crossing our fingers.
We will start the camera rolling as we drive up to our farm in June. We will be sharing footage from above using a drone, and videos on the ground level, in order to share our experiences with all of you. We hope you come with us on this adventure!
These are some pictures we took in Nova Scotia when we visited in 2018.
F@@@ing cool! Just what you need.